Marcelo in the Real World


I thoroughly enjoyed reading Marcelo and the Real World. By spending time in this book I was able to see the world differently. Not only was I able to develop empathy for children and adults who have Asperser’s, but I was also able to grow mentally and emotionally alongside of Marcelo. Marcelo’s interactions with the world reminded me that we are all flawed, but it with kindness and forgiveness that we all grow and learn to look past our flaws. All in all, I thought this was an excellent book; one that I will be glad to recommend and pass along to any of my future students.

Character Growth (Marcelo)

At the beginning of the story, Marcelo is unsure of himself. He has always lived in a safe place. At home and at school, he knew what was expected of him and could navigate himself through the day. When Marcelo’s father unexpectedly changes Marcelo’s plans for the summer, we begin to see some uncertainty in Marcelo. Marcelo has always known he was different, but for the first time in his life his differences began to make him uncomfortable. He is unsure whether or not he can make it in the real world. Throughout the story, the reader can witness a change in Marcelo. Marcelo’s relationships with other characters and his experiences throughout the story make him more confident and in a sense open his eye’s to this “real world” he lives in. At the end of the story, Marcelo has a plan, a sense of belonging, and a desire to live in and be a part of the real world.

In the beginning of the story, Marcelo discusses his future plans briefly with Aurora. He plans to attend Paterson in the fall for his senior year, and work with the ponies that are housed there. He then wants to work with ponies and help disabled children. At the end of the story, the reader is able to see a more concrete plan for Marcelo’s life. When Marcelo and Jasmine discuss his plans, Marcelo expresses his desire to attend Oak Ridge High for his senior year. He then plans to graduate and move to Vermont to attend college and work on the farm with Amos. Eventually, he dreams of working at the hospital near Jasmine’s house part time as a nurse, and working part time doing therapy for disabled children using trained ponies. The reader can see just how far Marcelo has come. The reader can also happily infer that Marcelo and Jasmine are in the beginning stages of forming (hopefully) a lasting relationship with each other.

Letter to Wendell:


 Did you know that when Marcelo, when I, first started at the law firm I wanted more than anything to be your friend. I heard the way other people talked about you, but I thought that maybe you were just different like me. The way you invited me to the club with you, asked for my help, and talked about the “bond” our families shared led me to believe that we were really friends. Now I know that you were just trying to use me. My time with you was not all bad though. During my time with you I learned to live in the “real world”. My eyes were opened to things I have never dealt with or seen. I discovered the ugly parts we all have and the suffering we all try to cover up and ignore. I discovered that I knew in my heart what was right, and that I had the courage to stand up to you and others who tried to point me in the wrong direction. Thank you for helping me see what the real world is really like. If you ever need a true friend, just know that I am here. Never forget, we all have ugly parts, but we can choose to forgive ourselves and start anew.



Wordle Poem

I AM Poem

I am religious.
I wonder what people really mean when they say certain things.
I hear my own internal music.
I see the world differently.
I am Marcelo.
I pretend that I am interested in making small talk with others.
I feel that I must make myself follow the "real world's" rules.
I touch my Rosary to feel a sense of comfort and peace.
I worry that I won't be able to participate in the "real world" to Arturo's standards.
I cry when I think of all of the new things I will have to learn.
I am Marcelo.
I understand reality in a way that other’s cannot.
I say things that others might not understand.
I dream of someday helping people like Aurora.
I want so badly to go to Paterson in the fall.
I am Marcelo.

Story Quilt (ch. 6-10)

I chose the following sentence, because I believe it sets the tone for how Marcelo will be viewed and treated by others at the law firm. His father has described him to others at the office as having a cognitive disorder, but Marcelo is confused by what his father means. His father has spent Marcelo’s whole life telling him that he is “normal.” Yet, he tells others that Marcelo has a cognitive disorder, which implies that there is something wrong with the way he thinks and perceives reality. I chose this statement because I think it is going to be one of the many paradoxical and confusing things Marcelo will have to deal with in this new environment. It also informs the reader that there is difference between how Marcelo views himself, and the way the world views Marcelo.
Ch 6, page 54:
"The term ‘cognitive disorder’ implies that there is something wrong with the way I think or the way I perceive reality."

Stretch to Sketch

I chose the above image to represent the emotions of feeling trapped. In chapter 3, on pages 19 and 20, when Marcelo's father is laying out his options for the summer and the following school year, I imagine he is feeling quite trapped. Either way he chooses, he has to miss out on something that he loves.

Asperger's Internet Workshop

Go to the Website
1. Click on the link: What is Asperger’s Disorder. Read the description and explain what Asperger’s Disorder is in your own words.
Asperger’s disorder is a milder form of Austistic disorder. Asperger’s is characterized by childhood eccentricity, social isolation, and fixation on a particular topic or interest. Asperger’s can affect both verbal and non verbal communication, as well as motor skills.
2. Go to the link. What is the epidemiology of Asperger's Disorder?
• In a total population study of children between ages 7-16 in Goteborg, Sweden, minimum prevalence of Asperger's Disorder was 36/10,000 (55/10,000 of all boys, and 15/10,000 of all girls), and the male/female ratio was 4:1.
• The prevalence of autism has traditionally been estimated around 4-5/10,000. A recent study from United Kingdom found the prevalence of autism at 17/10,000, and the prevalence of all Autistic Spectrum Disorders (including autism) at 63/10,000.
3. Click on the link. What are the diagnostic criteria of Asperger's Disorder? Please list at least 5 of the criteria used to diagnose Asperger’s.
1. Severe impairment in reciprocal social interation
2. All absorbing narrow interest
3. Speech and language problems
4. Non-verbal communication problems
5. Motor clumsiness
4. Click on the link. What are the other psychological problems that can co-exist with Asperger's Disorder? List the psychological problems linked to Asperger’s.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) , Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Depression (Major Depressive Disorder or Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood), Bipolar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
5. Think about what you learned today. Do you think it would be difficult to be a teenager with Asperger’s Disorder? Why or why not?
Thinking over what I have learned just from one site on Asperger’s, I believe it would be very challenging to be a teenager with Asperger’s Disorder. One the biggest challenges I think these teenager’s would face is the lack of knowledge and understanding from both their peers and adults in their lives. Before visiting this site I had limited knowledge of Asperger’s, and I believe that many other people are just as uninformed as I was. With knowledge of Asperger's Disorder, comes compassion and empathy.
The social impairment factor of Asperger’s is another reason why I believe being a teenager with Asperger’s Disorder would be difficult. The teenage years are known for forming deeper connections with others. Having Asperger’s would make these relationships more difficult to form and maintain.